

Jerome Foster

Jerome Foster II (2002-) est un jeune activiste climatique afro-américain et développeur de réalité virtuelle. Il est le directeur exécutif de OneMillionOfUs , une organisation internationale de jeunes votants et de défense des droits des jeunes qui vise à éduquer, …


Jamie Margolin

Jamie Margolin (2001-) is an American girl who comes from both a Latin and Jewish family. She is an activist and fights for climate change because she says she has been thinking of global warming since she can remember and …


Lilly Platt

Lilly Platt (2008-) is a Dutch girl, who is being raised in the UK, and who has been interested in the environment since 2015. Her ecologist journey began one day she was walking with her grandfather and they saw a …


John Paul Jose

John Paul Jose est un jeune garçon indien conscient des problèmes environnementaux et s’inquiète particulièrement de la pollution et du réchauffement climatique. Il a rejoint le mouvement #FridaysForFuture de Greta Thunberg. Il estime qu’il existe un laps de temps très …


Julia “Butterfly” Hill

Julia Lorraine Hill (1974-) is an environmentalist and activist who decided to live in a tree for more than 2 years as an act of civil disobedience to prevent the clearcutting of ecologically significant forests. At first, she did not …


Greta Thunberg

Greta (2003-) is a young Swedish activist and environmentalist, who fights, among other things, against Global Warming. She became interested in this environmental issue when she was 8 years old, and it was in 2018 when she decided to take …


Mari Copeny

Mari Copeny (2007) is an American young activist from Flint, state of Michigan, US. She is known as Little Miss Flint for all the things she has done for her city. In 2014 began a public health issue named The …


Omas gegen Rechts (Grannies against the Right)

Omas gegen Rechts is a citizens initiative in Germany and Austria founded in 2017. The movement began when the conservative People’s Party had just formed a coalition with the far-right Freedom Party in Austria. The group protest extreme right-wing political …


Jürgen Griesbeck & Thomas Preiss

Jürgen Griesbeck is the founder of streetfootballworld, The Third Half and The Game of Our Lives. He co-founded Common Goal with Thomas Preiss. They believe in using football as a force for social good and as a means for systems …


Denisa Stan – Volunteer

Name: Denisa Stan  Age: 23  Country of origin: Romania  Occupation/Field of Study (if it applies): International Relations Organization/Institution: Amnesty International Organization’s social networks: Photos of you and your project:  When did you become interested in working, volunteering or being an …


Susana Gaspar- Works with Amnesty International

Name: Susana C. Gaspar Age: 32 Country of origin: Portugal Occupation/Field of Study (if it applies): PhD fellow Artistic Studies – Art and Mediations / Professor / Theater Artist & activist Organization/Institution: Universidade Nova de Lisboa – FCSH | IPL …


First They Killed My Father

Inspired by a book with the same title, written by activist Loung Ung, the movie tackles the issue of forced displacement, child encampment and Internally Displaced People (IDPs). Realized and directed by Angelina Jolie, UNHCR Special Envoy, the movie is …