
Once you open this box, you will find in it a bunch of treasures—ways to develop your sensitivity, senses and mental attitude to the different, foreign, colorful, challenging, conscious and unconscious ones; you will find yourself more open to the world and people. For this purpose, we have prepared for you all kinds of tools under the non-formal learning methodology: situational, role and logical cases, games, videos and manuals, methodologies and information resources (Council of Europe, European Solidarity Corps, Volunteer Cooperative, etc.).

A Handbook on Gender Equality and Empowerment of Young Girls

When talking about concepts such as gender equality and women’s empowerment one needs to take the notion of Gender and the many parameters it involves into account, including the multiple definitions and aspects it has been assigned through time and …


Training of Trainers for Gender Equality and Active Citizenship

„Gender Equality and Active Citizenship“ is a toolkit that aims to empower youth workers to conduct trainings on topics related to gender equality. The tool is made to expand the increasing knowledge regarding non-formal education in order to achieve social …


Taking It Seriously (2015)

Guide to Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)3 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States on the access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights Over the decades, in the hearts and surroundings of many cities, …


Manual for Facilitators in Non-Formal Education (2009)

Manual for facilitators, who are involved in preparation and implementation of the study sessions programme at the European Youth Centres The Manual for Facilitators in Non-Formal Education (2009) provides essential information and practical advice for all who are involved in …


Education Pack (2016). All Different – All Equal

Ideas, resources, methods and activities for informal intercultural education with young people and adults  The Education Pack All Different – All Equal aims to provide practical and theoretical materials that can be used by educators, trainers, youth workers and teachers …


Free to be You and Me (2019)

Toolkit for youth workers, volunteer coordinators and trainers “Free to be You and Me” (2019) is a toolkit for informal working methods for gender equality work. This is a short version of the toolkit translated into Bulgarian for youth workers, …


Don’t judge a book by its cover! (2005/2011)

The living Library Organiser’s Guide The Living Library works just like normal libraries, where readers come, discuss topics and titles, and borrow books for a limited period of time. There is only one difference: The books in the Living Library …


Right to Remember (2017)

A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide “Right to Remember”, 2017 is a self-contained educational resource for anyone who wishes to promote deeper awareness of the Roma Genocide and the fight against discrimination. The handbook is …



Taking action against Hate Speech through Counter and Alternative Narratives The manual We CAN! (2017 Revised Edition) proposes communicative and educational approaches and tools for young people and other human rights activists: you can develop through them your own counter …


DOmino (1995/2004)

Manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance Domino is designed to support youth and social workers, youth leaders and peer educators. The different sections of DOmino contain both theoretical knowledge of …


Mirrors (2015)

Manual on combating Antigypsyism through human rights education The manual Mirrors, 2015 was developed within the Roma Youth Action Plan of the Council of Europe to provide teachers, trainers and facilitators of non-formal educational processes with young people of all …


Have Your Say! (2015)

Manual on the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life Youth participation is not an end in itself, but a means to achieve positive changes in the lives of young people and to …


COMPASS (2002/2012)

Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People COMPASS is a manual for human rights education with young people. It was developed in 2002 by the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Youth and Sport on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary …


COMPASITO (2007/2009)

A Manual on Human Rights Education for Children COMPASSITO is a child-friendly version of the manual COMPASS. It is published by the Council of Europe and, as the title suggests, is a human rights education manual for children. COMPASSITO is …


Gender Matters (2019)

A Manual on Gender-Based Violence Affecting Young People This manual constitutes an introduction to social gender and gender-based violence and is useful for anyone who works with young people. It includes topics and practical methods that provide reflection and raise …


BOOKMARKS (2014/2016/2020)

A Manual for Combating Hate Speech Online through Human Rights Education Hate Speech is one of the most worrying, racist and discriminatory phenomena of our time, and it is amplified by the anonymity on Internet and social media. Hate Speech …


Barabaripen (2014)

Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination Barabaripen* (2014) includes life stories of nine young Roma affected by multiple discrimination in different parts of Europe – Albania, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom. The publication …


Young People’s Access to Rights through Youth Information and Counselling (2015)

Toolkit on how to inform young people about their rights The toolkit on Young People’s Access to Rights through Youth Information and Counselling (2015) was developed by the Council of Europe in partnership with the European Youth Information and Counselling …