Training of Trainers for Gender Equality and Active Citizenship

„Gender Equality and Active Citizenship“ is a toolkit that aims to empower youth workers to conduct trainings on topics related to gender equality.

The tool is made to expand the increasing knowledge regarding non-formal education in order to achieve social change in the field of gender equality and active citizenship. The authors from the Infinite Opportunities Association and three other partnering organisations created a curriculum for five modules full of helpful activities and resources that can be directly implemented into real training.

By using the methods of non-formal learning, the tool focuses on several topics such as gender perceptions and stereotypes, gender in the workplace, gender in the media, gender-based violence, sexist language and benevolent sexism.

„The role of education in shaping gender representations, attitudes and behaviours are essential in the effort to combat stereotypes and bring about social and cultural changes. What we are taught at school largely determines the way we think and act and shapes the perceptions we have of the world. Within this framework, education contributes to the maintenance of social gender or gender stereotypes by assigning gender roles.“, say the authors.

You can find the toolkit HERE.