
This section is your compass for the right people, deeds and causes with which the world is a better and brighter place to live: we will introduce you to activists, advocates and defenders, volunteers, philanthropists and donors and many, many more examples. with short or long and unpronounceable names, and no wonder you walk past each other every day in the streets, without even suspecting how important their role is in breathing, walking and living free.


Our team travels non-stop through streets, towns, mountains and seas to introduce you to the good on the go and living examples.


This section presents the faces of good with a human face and will tell you stories and legends about them. Here you will find everything about human rights activists from different cultures, eras, religions and peoples: from colorful historical facts through documentary prose and urban legends to ancient myths.


While in the Activists section we present the human faces of the good, here we will meet you with the collective good and the chain reaction, from which each individual person is only a link—small, yes, but important! The first spark for any human rights cause is always something small but important: an idea for an initiative, a single thought or decision. Because small things very often turn a whole life upside down.

The Good Story

Especially for you we select in this section the best stories and news: inspiring cases from the street, the square, the village, the school, the most impassable mountain peaks and the deepest places for diving…

Maria Mayer

Maria Goeppert-Mayer (1906-1972) was a German physicist who was awarded a Nobel Prize for Physics, shared with J. Hans D. Jensen, due to their proposal of the shell nuclear model. They both shared this award with Eugene P. Wigner for …


Rosalind Franklin

Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958) was a British scientist known for her contributions to the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA. She studied physical chemistry at the University of Cambridge. Later, she dedicated her time to investigating the physical chemistry of …


Barbara McClintock

Barbara Mcclintock (1902-1992) was an American scientist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1983 for her discovery of mobile genetic elements. She was doing genetic research before the DNA double helix was discovered. Barbara specialized in …


Rita Levi-Montalcini

Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-2012) était une neurologue italienne qui, avec l’aide de son collègue Stanley Cohen, a découvert le premier des nombreux facteurs de croissance cellulaire présents dans le corps des animaux, qui ont reçu le nom de facteur de croissance …


Ada Lovelace

Augusta Ada Byron (1815-1852) was a British mathematician, informatician and writer who is most famous for her work on the general-purpose computer. She was the first woman to write an algorithm for a computer machine. This is why she is …


Florence Nightgale

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) était une infirmière britannique qui a réformé les conditions sanitaires dans les hôpitaux. Elle est considérée comme la fondatrice des soins infirmiers modernes. Elle est également connue sous le nom de « la dame à la lampe …


Louis Pasteur

Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) était un chimiste et bactériologiste français connu pour être le fondateur de la microbiologie et le pionnier de la médecine moderne. Cependant, à ses débuts, personne n’aurait pu deviner que tel serait son destin, car il n’était …


Stephen Hawking

Stephen William Hawking (1942-2018) was a British scientist who is considered to be one of the greatest in the scientific field since Einstein. It is interesting that he was born on the same day as the death anniversary of Galileo …


The Wright Brothers

Wilbur (1867-1912) and Orville (1871-1948) are 2 siblings known as the Wright Brothers. They were part of a big family of 7 American children, whose parents were Milton and Susan Catherine. In 1889, the brothers started their own newspaper called …


Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein (1879-1955) is considered to be one of the most influential physicists of the XX century. He developed the general theory of relativity, where the formula E=mc2 was born. He is mostly known for this theory and formula. In …


Charles Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin (1809-1882) était un naturaliste britannique qui a développé une théorie de l’évolution basée sur la sélection naturelle. « Il a suggéré que les espèces peuvent changer au fil du temps, que de nouvelles espèces proviennent d’espèces préexistantes …


Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) était un ingénieur et physicien serbo-américain. Il a étudié les mathématiques et la physique à l’Université technique de Graz et la philosophie à l’Université de Prague.  Tesla est responsable de la façon dont l’électricité circule aujourd’hui. Il …


Yuval Noah Harari

Yuval Noah Harari est un historien, philosophe et auteur israélien des livres Sapiens , Homo Deus , 21 Lessons for the 21st Century et Sapiens : A Graphic History . Il a vendu des millions d’exemplaires de chacun de ses …


Alan Turing

Alan Mathison Turing (1923-1954) était un mathématicien, logicien et informaticien anglais qui, pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, a percé l’énigme du code secret des nazis. De plus, il a créé l’un des premiers ordinateurs qui a donné naissance à ceux …


Hedy Lamarr

Hedy was a Viennese actress and inventor who was very late acknowledged for her engineering work developing what is now known as Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) created as a Secret Communication System during the Second World War hand by …


Jerome Foster

Jerome Foster II (2002-) est un jeune activiste climatique afro-américain et développeur de réalité virtuelle. Il est le directeur exécutif de OneMillionOfUs , une organisation internationale de jeunes votants et de défense des droits des jeunes qui vise à éduquer, …


Jamie Margolin

Jamie Margolin (2001-) is an American girl who comes from both a Latin and Jewish family. She is an activist and fights for climate change because she says she has been thinking of global warming since she can remember and …


Lilly Platt

Lilly Platt (2008-) is a Dutch girl, who is being raised in the UK, and who has been interested in the environment since 2015. Her ecologist journey began one day she was walking with her grandfather and they saw a …


Al Gore

Albert Arnold Gore (1948) is an American politician who was the vice president of the 45th president of the U.S. Bill Clinton. Al Gore is also an environmentalist who believes the world needs to be taken care of. The first …


Isra Hirsi

Isra Hirsi (2003-) est une jeune militante environnementale de Minneapolis, co-fondatrice et co-directrice exécutive de la US Youth Climate Strike. Elle a mené plusieurs grèves à travers les États-Unis avec la coopération d’autres jeunes femmes de ce pays. La grève …

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