Jerome Foster

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Jerome Foster II (2002-) is a young African-American climate activist and virtual reality developer. He is the Executive Director of OneMillionOfUs, which is an international youth voting & advocacy youth organization that aims to educate, energize and empower a movement of young people to register and turnout to vote. Other topics this organization include are: stymieing the climate crisis, immigration reform, gender equality, racial justice, modernizing education, LGBTIA+ rights, gun violence prevention and preparing for the jobs of the future. Jerome always says. “Today we strike, tomorrow we vote”.

At LCV’s annual New York dinner, Jerome talked about the urge of joining in efforts to protect the future of his generation. Some of the things he does for his generation are organizing strikes with Greta Thunberg (#FridaysForFuture) or joining Jane Fonda’s Fire Drill Fridays to call for immediate climate change. 

Since he started this professional and activist life, he has received several awards, such as the World Series of Entrepreneurship (2017), D.C. State Board of Education Leadership and Commitment Award (2018), Union of Concerned Scientist’s Defender Science Award (2019), Audubon Naturalist Society 2020 Youth Environmental Champion Award, 2020 Grist 50” Environmental Fixer Achievement and The Root’s 2020 Young Futurist Achievement. 

