

Jerome Foster

Jerome Foster II (2002-) is a young African-American climate activist and virtual reality developer. He is the Executive Director of OneMillionOfUs, which is an international youth voting & advocacy youth organization that aims to educate, energize and empower a movement …


Omas gegen Rechts (Grannies against the Right)

Omas gegen Rechts is a citizens initiative in Germany and Austria founded in 2017. The movement began when the conservative People’s Party had just formed a coalition with the far-right Freedom Party in Austria. The group protest extreme right-wing political …


Jürgen Griesbeck & Thomas Preiss

Jürgen Griesbeck is the founder of streetfootballworld, The Third Half and The Game of Our Lives. He co-founded Common Goal with Thomas Preiss. They believe in using football as a force for social good and as a means for systems …


Training of Trainers for Gender Equality and Active Citizenship

„Gender Equality and Active Citizenship“ is a toolkit that aims to empower youth workers to conduct trainings on topics related to gender equality. The tool is made to expand the increasing knowledge regarding non-formal education in order to achieve social …


Rosa Parks

An American activist known for her role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who became known by a simple act that changed the history of African-American people in the U.S. She was born in …


Education Pack (2016). All Different – All Equal

Ideas, resources, methods and activities for informal intercultural education with young people and adults  The Education Pack All Different – All Equal aims to provide practical and theoretical materials that can be used by educators, trainers, youth workers and teachers …


DOmino (1995/2004)

Manual to use peer group education as a means to fight racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and intolerance Domino is designed to support youth and social workers, youth leaders and peer educators. The different sections of DOmino contain both theoretical knowledge of …


Who is the real Rain Man?

The story of Kim Peek, the autistic genius who inspired the 1988 film masterpiece Rain Man Author: Sylvia Borissova Kim Peek also became known as the Man-‘computer’—his phenomenal abilities attracted even the NASA scientists’ attention while working on the creation …


Liberty Leading the People (La Liberté guidant le peuple, 1830)

The picturesque image of Liberty leading the July Revolution in France Author: Sylvia Borissova Liberty Leading the People (La Liberté guidant le peuple) is a painting by the French Romantic artist Eugene Delacroix (1798—1863), dedicated to the July Revolution of …


Article 1: Equality and Dignity

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word ‘dignity’ as follows: …


Article 2: Freedom from Discrimination

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, …


Article 7: Equality Before the Law

All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination. Every …


Article 17: Right to Property.

Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. The right to own property and to not be arbitrarily deprived of it is yet another …


Article 21: Access to Public Service.

Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. Everyone has the right to equal access to public service in his country. The will of the people shall be the …



This film directed by Clint Eastwood, tells the real story of a post-apartheid South Africa and the relationship between racism and sport. The film deepens in the relationship between François Pienaar, the captain of the National Rugby team “The Springboks” …



This Italian drama shows the difficult and dangerous life trip of two young men from Burkina Faso that decide to go to Italy to start a new life. After surviving to desert bandits and a threatening sea voyage the protagonists …


The Express: The Ernie Davis’ story

The Express is the real story of the life of Ernie Davis, one of the best American football players at the university level in the decade of the 1960s. It shows how Ernie Davis, an African American person who comes …


The Blind Side

“The Blind side” is a family sports drama based on the true story of the football player Michael Oher. Michael stayed with different families when he was a child due to his mother’s drug addiction. Every time he stayed with …


Human Flow

Human Flow is a German documentary film co-produced and directed by Ai Weiwei about the current global refugee crisis. In the film the viewer is taken to over 20 countries to understand both the scale and the personal impact of …



The plot of this movie takes place in New York, around 1950. Carol Aird is going through a really difficult time as she is divorcing Harge Aird, a marriage that was all about maintaining the status, as Harge knew that …

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