global warming


Jamie Margolin

Jamie Margolin (2001-) is an American girl who comes from both a Latin and Jewish family. She is an activist and fights for climate change because she says she has been thinking of global warming since she can remember and …


Isra Hirsi

Isra Hirsi (2003-) est une jeune militante environnementale de Minneapolis, co-fondatrice et co-directrice exécutive de la US Youth Climate Strike. Elle a mené plusieurs grèves à travers les États-Unis avec la coopération d’autres jeunes femmes de ce pays. La grève …


John Paul Jose

John Paul Jose est un jeune garçon indien conscient des problèmes environnementaux et s’inquiète particulièrement de la pollution et du réchauffement climatique. Il a rejoint le mouvement #FridaysForFuture de Greta Thunberg. Il estime qu’il existe un laps de temps très …


Gaylord Nelson

Gaylord Nelson (1916-2005) was an American politician and governor of Wisconsin who was very interested in the environment and always wanted people to be aware of the importance of taking care of it.  As a senator, in 1970, Gaylord Nelson …


Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) fut le 26e président des États-Unis en 1901. Il fit un très bon travail durant sa présidence et, au-delà de toute la bureaucratie, ce qu’il accomplit en matière d’environnement fut étonnant : il créa 150 forêts nationales, …


Greta Thunberg

Greta (2003-) is a young Swedish activist and environmentalist, who fights, among other things, against Global Warming. She became interested in this environmental issue when she was 8 years old, and it was in 2018 when she decided to take …


Final Straw: Food, Earth, Happiness

Final Straw: Food, Earth, Happiness is a documentary/art film released in June 2015 that takes audiences through farms and urban landscapes in Japan, South Korea, and the United States, interviewing leading practitioners in the Natural Farming movement.The film began when …