

Taking It Seriously (2015)

Guide to Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)3 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to Member States on the access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights Over the decades, in the hearts and surroundings of many cities, …


Right to Remember (2017)

A Handbook for Education with Young People on the Roma Genocide “Right to Remember”, 2017 is a self-contained educational resource for anyone who wishes to promote deeper awareness of the Roma Genocide and the fight against discrimination. The handbook is …


European Union policy for human rights protection

Charter of Fundamental Rights in the European Union When you get acquainted with basic human rights, you will come across several basic documents. In Europe, the two most important organizations active in the protection of human rights are the Council …


Pietà and the beginning of creative individuality in art

How did a signature secretly placed on a sculpture at the end of the 15th century mark the individuality of today’s artists? Author: Sylvia Borissova Pietà (Italian: pity) is a theme in Christian art that depicts the Virgin Mary mourning …


Liberty Leading the People (La Liberté guidant le peuple, 1830)

The picturesque image of Liberty leading the July Revolution in France Author: Sylvia Borissova Liberty Leading the People (La Liberté guidant le peuple) is a painting by the French Romantic artist Eugene Delacroix (1798—1863), dedicated to the July Revolution of …