book summary


The Ends of the World

Author: Peter Brannen As we stare down the barrel of our own (man-made) catastrophe, science journalist Peter Brannen takes us on a walk down memory lane over millions of years to examine the planet’s five mass extinctions. With paleontologists as …



Author: Elizabeth Rush In “Rising,” Elizabeth Rush takes readers to the physical and cultural edges of the country, from the marginalized and forgotten citizens of places like Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, to the glass castles of Facebook and Google …


The Bone Sparrow

Author: Zana Fraillon Subhi is a refugee. Born in an Australian permanent detention center after his mother and sister fled the violence of a distant homeland, Subhi has only ever known life behind the fences. But his world is far …


Making It Home: Real-Life Stories from Children Forced to Flee

Author: Beverley Naidoo In this inspiring collection, children living all over the world speak about being forced to flee their homes as refugees. With original, autobiographical accounts, Making It Home gives a poignant voice to the millions of young people …


Tropical Secrets: Holocaust Refugees in Cuba

Author: Margarita Engle Daniel has escaped Nazi Germany with nothing but a desperate dream that he might one day find his parents again. But that golden land called New York has turned away his ship full of refugees, and Daniel …


My Name Is Not Refugee

Author: Kate Milner A young boy discusses the journey he is about to make with his mother. They will leave their town, she explains, and it will be sad but also a little bit exciting. They will have to say …


How I Learned Geography

Author:Uri Shulevitz Having fled from war in their troubled homeland, a boy and his family are living in poverty in a strange country. Food is scarce, so when the boy’s father brings home a map instead of bread for supper, …


My Name Is Sangoel

Author: Karen Lynn Williams, Khadra Mohammed, Catherine Stock Sangoel is a refugee. Leaving behind his homeland of Sudan, where his father died in the war, he has little to call his own other than his name, a Dinka name handed …


Inside Out & Back Again

Author: Thanhha Lai For all the ten years of her life, Hà has only known Saigon: the thrills of its markets, the joy of its traditions, and the warmth of her friends close by. But now the Vietnam War has …