Melinda and Bill Gates

American business magnates and philanthropists fighting for better health care and reducing extreme poverty around the world

Bill Gates was born in Seattle, United States in 1955 and is worldwide known for creating one of the biggest IT companies in the world, Microsoft. In 1994 he dropped out of college to start Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen.

Melinda Gates graduated from University in Computer Science and Economy and soon started working in Microsoft as an employee. After marrying Bill Gates she created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in the year 2000.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation works in five program areas worldwide including Global Health, Global Development, Global Growth and Opportunity, Global Policy and Advocacy and a United States Division.

They have invested millions of dollars in this foundation, always looking for ways, systems, equipment to advance in health and educational issues. As they quote in their LinkedIn profile: “They are impatient optimists working to reduce inequity”.

The objective of this foundation is basically to give every person the opportunity to live a healthy and productive life.

Both Bill and Melinda are philanthropists, and they have made use of their fortune to help make the world a better place for everyone. They are always up to date and, whenever something new comes, they would immediately start working on it as the Foundation counts with Regional Offices all over the world.


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