The Secret Life of Bees tells the story of fourteen-year-old Lily Owens who leaves the life she knows behind and embarks on a journey in search of a much needed truth.
South Carolina. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 has given black people the right to vote. The fiery Rosaleen, a black nanny and housekeeper who is like a mother to Lily, has been arrested and beaten up, following her clash with three of the most extreme racists in town. After Lily helps her escape, the two travel to Tiburon (another town in South Carolina) in search of the truth about the past and death of Lily’s birth mother. They come across to the bright pink house of eccentric black beekeeper August Boatwright and her sisters, who give them shelter and welcome them to their close-knit community. As Lily tries to unravel the mystery surrounding her mother, she discovers an entirely unknown to her world.
The Secret Life of Bees is a novel by American author Sue Monk Kidd that dives deep into the female soul and explores people’s need to love, be loved and belong. The book addresses topics such as the female community as a value, the role of the family and racial discrimination.
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